
I am a first-year Ph.D. student at CS Department, Florida State University, under the supervision of Prof. Guang Wang.
I am also working with Prof. Desheng Zhang in research. I obtained my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree both
from Southeast University (China).

My research interests are broadly in the areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, Human-Centered Computing, and Trustworthy Decision-making Applications. You can contact me at lj23d AT fsu DOT edu.

My publications can also be found at Google Scholar.

Recent News

  • Oct. 2023: One paper about data-driven vehicle displacement system is accepted to IEEE TMC.
  • Aug. 2023: Start my Ph.D. journey at FSU!
  • Aug. 2023: I presented my fist-author work Faircod about fairness-aware concurrent dispatch system at KDD’ 2023 and received the KDD travel grant.